Nutrition: Part One

19 Feb

I won’t bore you with my entire meal plan everyday but there are a few things that I am implementing that I hope will really improve my results. This is one of many:

#1 Multiple Small Meals

Instead of the traditional 3 meals a day, I am opting for 5 smaller meals. I have found that when I hold out for however many (endless) hours are between meals I am super hungry and tend to over eat at those meals which leaves me too full and sleepy. I now have breakfast earlier than I have in the past, a mid-morning snack, lunch, an afternoon snack and dinner, a little earlier than usual and all a little smaller than usual.

Like I said, I won’t bore you with my meal plan every day but here is a sample of a typical day:

Microsoft Excel - Meal Planning_2013-02-20_14-37-42

The colors mean nothing really. The white was just really boring. Anyways, that is essentially what I am shooting for everyday. And yes, I put the time of day I will eat that meal. Partly because of my OCD tendencies to obsessively plan everything but also because it reminds me, oh ya, I just ate an hour ago, I can wait a while before I eat again.  And the meals are not random, there is a method to the madness, which I will go into later. The main point I am trying to get across is that I am going from 3 larger meals a day to 5 smaller meals a day. This isn’t for everyone, however. I have learned from trial and error that this is probably the best way for me to eat a healthy amount and lose some weight while I’m at it.

Here is quick article about the benefits of this plan:

PS: The bean soup I had for dinner can be found here.

One Response to “Nutrition: Part One”


  1. Nutrition: Part Two | Running Potato - 02/21/2013

    […] The “General Plan” page with tons of helpful information on what a serving really is, what foods fit in each category and how many servings you should be having. If you make a free account with Supertracker you an get a customized plan for your individual needs as well as sample meal plans to help get all the servings you need. Which is how I have been planning my meals, which I touched on a few days ago. […]

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